I love God and any opportunity to share Him with others!

I have been a guest on several podcasts, and the best time I have ever had is when I am on a Christian podcast and getting to talk about my faith. I absolutely love sharing God with others and getting to talk about Him. I am comfortable being on a show with both audio and video. The Main topic I like discussing is about the topics of guilt and shame and how we can rely on God’s truths to navigate those in our life and notice and avoid the schemes of the devil. If you would like to have me as a guest on your show, please send me an email at [email protected] with the subject: guest request.
I love speaking to anyone and everyone about God and His love for all of us! In my background as a teacher, I have given presentations to large and small groups. I am not at all intimidated by the size of a group or the age of a group. I can speak to youth and adults. I love and believe in my message, and I allow God to work through me to bring forth His message. My favorite topic is guilt and shame and how we can rely on God’s truths to navigate those in our life and notice and avoid the schemes of the devil. That specific topic has had such a personal impact on my life, and I feel God constantly pulling me to pursue that direction. I also have several other topics which are all different Bible stories I use to show God’s love, forgiveness and point out the attributes God shows us about himself through these stories. If you would like to discuss having me come to speak, please send me an email at [email protected] and make the subject: speaking request
This pandemic definitely brought with it some difficult and negative things, but one of the blessings I have chosen to focus on is the blessing of being able to connect with technology. If you live somewhere that would be easier for me to speak or connect with a group digitally instead of in-person, I am happy to discuss it. I think we have a great benefit in the ability to connect with each other and share God’s word through technology, and I am happy to pursue those opportunities to reach more people with God’s word. If you would like to contact me to discuss a digital opportunity, please email me at [email protected] with the subject: digital opportunity request.